Almost one in ten Germans between the ages of 40 and 70 suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome, and women are around five times more likely to be affected than men. Who wouldn't want carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery? Read here how treatment with Curpal® works.
What is carpal tunnel syndrome and what does effective treatment look like?
In carpal tunnel syndrome, a specific nerve in the wrist area is constricted, resulting in discomfort and pain . If the symptoms persist, surgery is performed. Unfortunately, complications are not uncommon. There is now a gentle way of treating carpal tunnel syndrome that has the same effect as surgery: Effective carpal tunnel syndrome therapy and without pain, without a surgical procedure and completely without side effects.
Important to know: Carpal tunnel syndrome therapy should be carried out at an early stage.
As a general rule, the median nerve is affected in carpal tunnel syndrome; if left untreated, this nerve will be damaged. The median nerve runs through the carpal tunnel together with various tendons and is responsible for the sense of touch and sensation on the inside of the hand as well as for controlling certain hand and finger muscles. In this video, doctor B. Imdahl explains how carpal tunnel syndrome develops.
The bottleneck in the carpal tunnel puts pressure on the nerve and the pinched nerve begins to hurt. The pain is accompanied by tingling, numbness and discomfort in the thumb, index and middle fingers, and the whole hand feels furry and swollen. In addition, gripping movements become more difficult as the ball of the thumb recedes. High time for carpal tunnel syndrome therapy.
Early carpal tunnel syndrome therapy prevents permanent damage to the median nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed using tests and measurements. These are carried out by a doctor and, as a rule, a wrist splint is prescribed by the doctor after the measurement. The wrist splint, also known as a night splint, prevents the hand from bending at night.
The splint provides short-term relief, but is not an effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Although many believe that the splint is a genuine treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome without surgical intervention, it only provides short-term relief. What's more, if you wear them during the day, you run the risk of stiffening your wrist due to lack of movement.
If the symptoms do not improve, surgery is advised. If you want genuine carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery, you should not act hastily. This is because many people complain of complications after the operation.
The new carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery is often the solution
Recently, there has been an option for treating carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery. The new carpal tunnel syndrome therapy is called curpal® and this carpal tunnel syndrome treatment is currently the only effective treatment that actually works without surgery.
The bottom line is that the treatment achieves the same effect as surgery: It widens the carpal tunnel, which can lead to quick and noticeable relief of symptoms. This method of mechanical stretching is new in Germany, but has been used in the USA for some time. curpal® is a further development of the American device, which has been recognized in the USA for years as a carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery and as an alternative carpal tunnel syndrome therapy.

The daily carpal tunnel syndrome therapy you can do yourself
And this is how the treatment works: The cuff of the curpal® system is shaped like the letter C. The principle of action is that the hand is pushed into this C and an air cushion in the curpal® handpiece is inflated using a hand pump. This creates tension in the hand, which stretches the carpal canal. The stretching gives the nerve running through the carpal canal (median nerve) more space, the pressure on the nerve is reduced and symptoms such as tingling in the fingers, pain at night or numbness can subside. curpal® is therefore a carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery and an effective carpal tunnel syndrome therapy without having to wear the annoying wrist splint.
Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment: new therapy on the rise
curpal® has been on the market since fall 2016. Too short for representative studies on effectiveness. However, a survey was conducted among users at the end of 2020. The results are convincing. Numerous users confirm that treatment success for incipient carpal tunnel syndrome is noticeable after just a few days. The unanimous statement from the survey is: "It is possible to treat carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery." However, the more advanced the carpal tunnel syndrome is, the longer it can take for the symptoms to subside.
With the new carpal tunnel syndrome treatment, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
curpal® is an extremely promising option for treating carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery in Germany.
The sleeve widens the carpal tunnel, which can quickly alleviate the symptoms. A carpal tunnel therapy that is as effective as it is simple.
For people who want carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery and who are prepared to sacrifice a few minutes a day for their carpal tunnel syndrome therapy, curpal® is exactly the right solution.
You can find independent testimonials on Focus Online.
Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment: Is it possible without surgery?
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