
Treat carpal tunnel syndrome yourself. Without surgery.

Here you will find many interesting articles and knowledge contributions on the subject of carpal tunnel syndrome, its treatment and experiences from us and our customers.

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Wenn Handballen schmerzen – 5 effektive Methoden gegen das KTS
Carpal tunnel

When the heel of the hand hurts - 5 effective methods against KTS

Palm pain - a common sign of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a common condition that causes pain and numbness in the hands and fingers. It is caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist, whic...

TreatmentKarpaltunnelsyndrom 5 Übungen und die Behandlung

Carpal tunnel syndrome 5 exercises and treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome 5 exercises:Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and other unpleasant sensations in the wrist area. Those affected often have symptoms th...

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Carpal tunnelAlles über die Behandlung und Operation bei Karpaltunnelsyndrom – 3 Behandlungswege (2024)

Everything you need to know about treatment and surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome - 3 treatment options (2024)

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition characterized by symptoms such as tingling, numbness and other unpleasant sensations in the wrist area. Those affected often complain of discomfort, part...

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Carpal tunnel8 natürliche Lösungen und Behandlungsmethoden des Karpaltunnelsyndroms

8 Natural solutions and treatment methods for carpal tunnel syndrome

Treatment methods Carpal tunnel syndrome: The carpal tunnel is a channel in the area of the carpus that is bounded by bone and connective tissue. It is located on the inside of the wrist and the ca...

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Carpal tunnelÜbernimmt die Krankenkasse Kosten bei Karpaltunnelsyndrom?

Does health insurance cover the costs of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Until now, the only option for people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome was surgery. That is now different. With curpal® you can treat carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery and without the use...

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TreatmentKarpaltunnelsyndrom alternativ behandeln: Frauensache?

Alternative treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: A woman's issue?

Are women more open to alternative treatment methods for chronic illnesses than men? This question can hardly be answered in principle. However, this seems to be the case with the treatment of carp...

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Carpal tunnelNeue Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene: 3 Tipps zur Behandlung

New carpal tunnel syndrome splint: 3 tips for treatment

Our hand consists of 27 bones, 36 joints and 43 muscles. All of this is necessary for us to be able to grip, write, squeeze or play an instrument. Carpal tunnel syndrome impairs the function of th...

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Are you looking for help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

No surgery, no painkillers and no side effects. curpal® is an approved class 1 medical device and “made in Germany”!


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